The Mechanic (2011)

Just like Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham is an action star whose movies I’ll always try watch. Most of them are not masterpieces, but his cold stare, cool image and his fighting techniques make most of his films very enjoyable. In the Mechanic he’s one of the best assassins in the world. He lives alone, works alone and his only person he could call a friend is the person that gives him his assignments.

When he’s forced to train someone else (Steve McKenna, played by Ben Foster) who has a connection with one of his victims, things get more complicated. It’s a situation he has to handle with a lot of care.

This movie offered exactly what I was expecting from a Jason Statham vehicle, lots of action performed in style. The character he plays, Arthur Bishop, lives on an island in a very cool house, filled with designer stuff and a very cool car.
He plans each hit in meticulous detail and makes sure he’s aware of their daily patterns. His “apprentice” has to learn these skills as well, but he is a bit stubborn sometimes wanting to do things his own way, resulting in some hairy situations. You can feel the tension between Bishop and McKenna and as a fan of action movies you already know what this is leading up to.

The Mechanic has a lot of action sequences and a high tempo. It’s an action film which I really enjoyed watching.

Score: 8

2 thoughts on “The Mechanic (2011)

  1. Pingback: The Many Faces of… Jason Statham « My Filmviews

  2. Pingback: » Movie Review – Mechanic, The (2011) Fernby Films

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