The Moviesite Spotlight: Head in a Vice

I can’t believe I have not featured this blog before, so it is time to turn on those spotlights to the brightest level and shine them on Tyson Carter from Head in A Vice, who runs an awesome site and has a community many other bloggers will envy. Time to get to know him a bit better.

What’s the history of your site, why did you start it?Basically, as a youngster I walked in and saw Casino on the TV. Something hit me. I felt different, almost as if my little mind started to realize that there was this new world of films out there that wasn’t aimed at children, and I began my quest to see as many of them as I could. The underlying theme would be the more adult/violent orientated style of film, and since I watch a lot of indie horror and films a lot of people don’t go out of their way to see, or know about, I felt blogging would be my way of sharing some thoughts on films people may have otherwise missed.

What makes your movie blog different from the other ones out there?
I aim more for the niche within the horror community, and I dont review new, big releases. I try and run projects and review films others don’t so I try and keep as unique as posible, but ultimately someone will always have done the same stuff (and better probably!) so I just try and have fun with it.

What do enjoy most about your site and what is the reason you keep doing it?
I have an amazing community that visit and chat, and when I see better sites than mine getting no reader interaction, it makes me realise how lucky I am, and I must be doing something right. I always thought if just one person responds and ‘gets’ what I’m trying to do then it’s all worth it. I have that, and I’ll keep going until no one shows up!

In which ways has your blogging changed the way you watch movies?
I honestly don’t think it has. I still watch as many as usual, and I don’t make notes or anything for me reviews. I have a pretty good memory and remember scenes for my reviews. I guess now I get a lot more free films/screeners so its a definite positive blogging has given me.

What’s your favorite article you have written?

I would say my write up for LOVE.
It’s a film not many people have seen, and those that have either love it or hate it, but I was fascinated with it and feel it’s my best review. Mainly because I stole lots of facts to make me sound more intelligent.

Could you name five of your all time favorite movies?
Just a random 5:


The Godfather




How many movies do you watch on average each week?
Normally a couple a day, working nights and not sleeping a lot is a useful trait as a movie fan.

Do you own any movie related items that you are very proud of?
For my 21st birthday (10 years ago……wow……) my wife bought me a 5 foot high framed poster of The Godfather Part II, all signed by the cast. It hangs pride of place in my house, and is the first materialistic thing I’d rescue in a fire (after my wife and cat). I would love the full size Billy Doll on a tricycle from Saw, but my wife is terrified of it and refuses to let me buy it. One day I’m hoping someone buys me it as a gift (fancy it Nostra?!) then I can’t get rid of it.

Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?
I have a lot of fantastic images on my site, and 99% of them are designed by my Canadian friend Chris from Film Hipster. I love to thank him in random places as he refuses my money, and I may as well do that here as I’m sure people are bored with me saying how great I am.

23 thoughts on “The Moviesite Spotlight: Head in a Vice

  1. woo hoo!! First, Nostra- I love your posts. I make a point to read as many as I can when I have the time. Second, Tyson asked me to do a ‘Face Off’ on his site and I was so freaking happy to do it. That’s a nice top 5 that Tyson put together, and it mirrors mine. Only difference is, I’d take out ‘Anchorman’ and put in ‘Kill Bill Vol 1.’

  2. Nice work guys. Personally, I think Tyson has one of the most unique movie sites around and he hasn’t gotten the recognition he deserves. He has also built a strong community over there and has brought a lot of us movie bloggers together…I also know he puts a lot of heart and soul into each and every post he does. He’s a great guy despite being a Footie fan. Keep bringing it Tyson!

  3. Right on Tyson! I’m surprised not to see a single horror movie in your Five Favorite Movies though.

    And yeah, I’m super jealous how many comments you get on a daily basis 😉

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