Youth in Revolt (2009)

As is probably already clear when reading the name of the movie, the subject it deals with is growing up and standing up against something, like your parents. Nick Twisp (Michael Cera) is a teenager who, when some things happen at home, has to spend a weekend away from it together with his mother and stepfather. Here he meets Sheeni (Portia Doubleday), the girl of his dreams. When the weekend ends he vows he’ll manage to get back to her by any means necessary.

Michael Cera stars in this movie and that’s my biggest issue with this film. I’ve seen Cera in Superbad, Juno and Year One and every time he plays the same exact role. I found this
Michael Cera flowchart which describes his movie roles perfectly.
Almost every time he’s a teenager who is still a virgin, acts very insecure and is very awkward. He’s comedic timing might be perfect, but seeing him do the same thing every time start to annoy me.
It’s the main reason why I did not enjoy this movie. The movie has a lot of funny situations, but I just couldn’t enjoy them because of Cera.
In this movie Michael Cera does show he can do other roles by playing an alter ego. I would like to see him doing that in other movies as well. It seems he’s currently being typecast, which is something that will definitely have an effect on his career once he’s older which would be a shame. Had another actor played the role of Twisp i might have given it a higher score.

The movie has quite a lot of well-known actors like Ray Liotta, Steve Buscemi and Zach Galifianakis who all do a fair job. If you like Cera, you’d probably like the movie. I couldn’t, which explains the result below.

Score: 4

2 thoughts on “Youth in Revolt (2009)

  1. Pingback: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) « Film views

  2. I hated Youth in Revolt. I don’t like Cera, especially when his acting is the same in every movie, as you fairly mentioned. What I didn’t like about the film itself, is that it was supposed to be a comedy but loses to be.

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