iBoy (2017) – Review

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Mobile phones have become our most loyal partners in life. There is hardly no one or anything else which you interact with as much as with this device. People can’t wait to check out the latest innovations in the field and can’t wait until they are able to order the latest iPhone or the newest flagship of a different brand. It wouldn’t surprise me that if Samsung or Apple would present a phone which you had to connect directly to your body that a lot of people wouldn’t even hesitate to do so. The thriller iBoy shows what such a symbiotic connection could look like. Continue reading

The Uncertainty Has Settled (2017) – Review

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Having a different view on a particular subject can sometimes be difficult. For example, if all the reviews for a specific movie are positive, do you dare to have a different opinion, and if so, are you looking forward to the reactions you will get on it? Now, movie reviews obviously are not world-changing, but this concept of a large consensus also applies in professional environments. There are plenty stories to be found in history of this, for example in the field of health care, in which major breakthroughs weren’t looked at seriously by anyone, simply because they deviated from the general opinion. For example, Ignaz Semmelweis suggested, in response to more women dying in one of two clinics he worked at, that doctors needed wash their hands because in one of them doctors went straight from the morgue to child delivery without cleaning up. It’s something which now may seem obvious, but it took him a lot of effort to convince others. Everyone was so stuck in a way of thinking that they were no longer open to another idea. Lees verder