Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) – Review

Batman v superman review

When I heard that there would be a Batman versus Superman movie my heart didn’t start racing at all. Even though the Christopher Nolan Batman movies were worth watching, the last two Superman movies didn’t impress. The fact that Zack Snyder was responsible for Man of Steel and also would be directing this one didn’t make me feel euphoric.

Then I started to think about the central point of this movie. If these two superheroes would fight each other would there be any question about who would win? One is a rich guy with some gadgets and the other one an alien with superpowers who only has one weakness which is kryptonite. Despite all my concerns though I did decide to see the movie, because I expected Snyder wanted to prove himself after the criticism he got for Man of Steel. Besides that the studio behind the movie needs a hit and also show the DC universe is worth checking out as well. Continue reading

Gone Girl (2014)

Review Gone Girl

One of the best directors currently has to be David Fincher. His resume is impressive with movies like Se7en, The Game, Fight Club, Zodiac, The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the first two episodes of House of Cards. It is a director I always expect much from and he rarely disappoints. His movies have a distinct look and feel (especially since he made the moe to digital) and I couldn’t wait to see his latest, Gone Girl. Continue reading

Good Will Hunting (1997)

Review Good Will Hunting

The death of Robin Williams was unexpected and shocked a lot of people. It still is hard to understand why someone who gave so much laughter left life the way he did. Like many other movielovers did, I too decided to check out some of his work. I watched Dead Poets Society for the first time and I also felt it was a good moment to rewatch this movie. It’s been a very long time since I last saw it and except for a general summary of the movie I forgot the rest. I was interested to find out if I would still like it as there are some movies you liked when you were younger and on as rewatch don’t hold up. It wondered how it would turn out for this. Continue reading

The Many Faces of… Ben Affleck

Overview of the career and roles of actor Ben Affleck

On August 15, 1972 Ben Affleck was born in Berkeley, California. He became friends with Matt Damon at the age of 8. He started acting when he was young, appearing on several TV shows and movies. He worked together with director Kevin Smith in various movies like Mallrats, Jersey Girl, Chasing Amy and Clerks 2. His real breakthrough came when he starred in Good Will Hunting, which he wrote together with Damon. Movies he has been in include Boiler Room, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, Daredevil, Gigli and Hollywoodland. He earned a lot of respect as a director with the movies Gone Baby Gone, The Town and Argo (appearing in the last two). Continue reading

Argo (2012)


When I was in school I was always interested in the history lessons as the teacher I had was very good at telling the stories, making it fun to listen to. I must admit that I really can’t remember much of what I learned during those classes and only remember him saying that everything which happens in America will happen over here as well, just five years later. It was very interesting and for a while seemed to be a valid theory. Anyway I’m sure you are reading this to find out my thoughts about Ben Affleck’s third movie in the director’s chair, Argo about historic events which took place in Iran. Now I am pretty sure this was never discussed in the history lessons I took, so going into this movie (just like any other) I had no idea what had happened and was ready to be surprised. Continue reading

The Company Men (2010)

The Company Men is, as stated in my review of Inside Job, the perfect companion piece for that documentary. The movie is about three men working in a big company (played by Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Cooper), who feel the results of the financial crisis in their personal life. They all work for GTX, which is a company that started small building ships, but has grown fast and has even bigger ambitions. Continue reading

The Town (2010)

After the fantastic Gone Baby Gone (which I gave an 8 ) Ben Affleck is back with his second movie in the director’s chair. Just like that movie, this movie is also set in Boston, where Affleck grew up. During this movie a lot of bank heists take place in the city and Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck), James Coughlin (Jeremy Renner), Albert ‘Gloansy’ Magloan (Slaine) and Desmond Elden (Owen Burke) are one of the gangs responsible for them. These bank robberies are meticulously planned and the gang is very precise and professional in their execution. They wear latex gloves, are unrecognisable because of their masks and destroy any evidence that could be used against them (like putting the harddisks that are used for the surveillance cameras in the microwave) Continue reading

State of Play (2009)

Cal McAffrey (Russel Crowe) is working as a journalist for The Washington Globe. He’s been in the business for years. The rise of blogs written by staff of the Globe are a threat to him as they are mostly gossip with no proper investigation done.
When he was still in college he was close with Stephen Collins (Ben Affleck), who has managed to become a succesful senator and is leading a public hearing about the privatisation of the army. When Collins’s assistant suddenly dies it becomes very clear that she meant a lot to him. The media swarm him and as he needs to escape all the attention he turns to his old friend McAffrey.
When he convinces McAffrey that the death of his assistant was no accident the journalist decides to investigate the true reason of her death. It’s the start of uncovering a big story in which he has to go to the limits of his friendship in order to discover the truth. Continue reading