For your consideration: My Filmviews (Lammy Awards)

A new award season is about to start as the nominations for The Lammy Awards 2012 were opened this week. Now I’m not one to start begging for nominations, but looking at all the different categories, there was one I really would like to be nominated for and that’s the one for Best Running Feature.

With Ruth from Flixchatter already having called me “King of the blog series” it would be the crown to that awesome title. For those who have been reading my musings for a while you will be familiar with my regular features “The Monday Question“, “The Many Faces of…“, “The Moviesite Spotlight“, “Lost cinemas of Rotterdam” (which I started last week) and smaller more irregular ones like “The Ten” (for both actors and actresses) and “The Story Behind…“. In the end I’ve all started these for your enjoyment and would like to ask if you would consider nominating my humble blog. I would really appreciate it.

If you would be interested in doing so, you can do it here (please note that you have to be a LAMB member to be able to take part):