Spy (2015)

Review Spy

In Bridesmaids I thought Melissa McCarthy was very funny, but every other movie after that I saw with her I thought was very disappointing. I simply didn’t think she was funny and she got on my nerves. That was the most important reason I initially skipped Spy. But after all the glowing reviews (and the fact that Jason Statham is in it) I just had to check out this spy comedy, directed by Paul Feig. Was my growing annoyance with McCarthy invalid? Continue reading

The Nines (2007)

Review The Nines

Some movies are hard to categorise and The Nines is proof of that. If you start this movie without any prior knowledge of it you start wondering if you are watching a comedy, a drama, a horror film or something else. It initially doesn’t seem to be a movie worth watching, but as the story progresses everything you have seen before it starts to become more mysterious. The three leads, Ryan Reynolds, Melissa McCarthy and Hope Davis don’t play the same roles throughout the movie. Continue reading