Savages (2012)

When it comes to Oliver Stone’s movies there is one thing you usually expect and that’s controversy. It happened during JFK when he showed his theory as truth and during Alexander with the sexual preferences of the character. Wil Savages be controversial? It does have some shocking scenes, but as this is an adaptation of a book I don’t expect there will be a lot of controversy about its story. The only thing which will cause a lot of conversation is the ending of the movie. Continue reading

800th Post!

As you can see I’ve slightly changed the look of the site. The occasion? First of all I decided to finally make the movie from to a self hosted blog and I must say it was fairly easy (except for getting the images onto the new host and changing of the url). I’m still figuring out some “behind the scenes” issues, like my post preview not working, but I wasn’t expecting it all to go so smoothly.

The other reason for the move to a self hosted blog is that I wanted to have more freedom when it comes to plugins, scripts and themes. So a fresh look, which I will probably be tweaking for the coming weeks, so expect some small changes. If you run into issues please let me know and I’ll look into it.

As far as I can see it was impossible to transfer all the subscriptions (if anyone knows a way please let me know), so you’ll have to follow again.

Movie Jail relay race

It’s been a while since I’ve started another blogathon/relay race (as I’m still brainstorming, trying to find cool concept), so I was happy when my friend Terrence from The Focused Filmographer approached me with the concept for this new relay race: The Movie Jail.

I thought it was an awesome idea (a lot of you may not know this but I actually have a master degree in law), so I decided to host this one in cooperation with Terrence.
So what’s the idea behind this one?

It’s time to put some movie people in jail. The object is to give a prosecutor’s argument as to why these movie people belong in “Movie Jail” whether it be for violating the integrity of the content source of one their films, or being a sell-out, just making bad movies overall, getting worse as time goes on or not being in a good movie for many years.

The baton will be passed to another blogger who will have to do the following:

In order to free someone from Movie Jail they have to do 2 things
1 – Give a defense attorney argument defending the plaintiff
2 – Pay bail: the cost of which is another case for the court and a prosecutor’s argument against the actor/director of their choice that will replace the one set free.

There must always be 10 people in Movie Jail.

So now that the idea and rules are set, let’s open the door to our newly opened movie jail and fill it with 10 inmates. Continue reading

Ruby Sparks (2012)

How vivid was your imagination as you were growing up? Were you easily influenced by the things you saw on TV? Did you ever imagine how you would react to impossible situations? Ruby Sparks is the name of a character who was created by award winning writer Calvin Weir-Fields (Paul Dano). He’s written so much details about her, he feels like he knows her intimately, he feels like he has created the perfect woman. He has the shock of his life though when that character suddenly appears in his house. Continue reading

The Monday Question: Blogroll!

Recently one of the bloggers I follow decided to stop writing his weekly link post. The reason he did so was because he noticed there weren’t that many people actually clicking on the articles he was suggesting. He also mentioned another fixture of the blogging community: The blogroll. He did away with that as well for the same reason.

This made me check out the stats on my own blogroll and he had a point. Although it’s a nice thing to have to see which blogs someone likes, people are not really reading and clicking on them. It made me decide to do away with the blogroll as well as I hadn’t maintained it (the links on it were partly outdated anyway) and looking at the statistics I noticed it wasn’t a page which was visited much. So what would I suggest if you are looking for other interesting blogs to read? I suggest to click on to the sites of the other commenters (as I have awesome readers!) or check out the various movie site spotlights I’ve done in the past.

So this week’s question:

Do you have a blogroll and do you think they are useful?

The Many Faces of… Russell Crowe

Overview roles / movies of actor Russel Crowe

Welcome to another installment of the Friday Faces, this time with actor Russell Crowe. He was born on the 7th of April 1964 in Wellington, New Zealand. His parents and grandmother had jobs in the entertainment industry. They moved to Sydney, Australia when he was four. When he was about five he had his first role in the Australian TV series Spyforce.

At the age of 16 he decided to quit school to pursue an acting career. He first made music under the name “Russ Le Roq”. As for acting, he appeared on stage in a production of The Rocky Horror Show for 2 years. He was also a street performer. He eventually appeared in the soap show Neighbours and his first movie role was in The Crossing. He was succesful in Australia, but eventual made the move to the United States. He has won an Oscar for his role in Gladiator and was nominated three times. He has appeared in movies like L.A. Confidential, The Insider, A Beuatiful Mind, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, American Gangster and may more. Continue reading

Gandhi (1982)

Watching these historical movies time and time again show me that I’m seriously lacking in knowledge about world history as also was the case with this film. I knew that India was ruled by the English and that Gandhi was very important in the process of the country becoming independent, but that was about as far as my knowledge went. This biopic shows the process which took place to make that independence happen and the difference one man can make in changing the future. Continue reading

Argo (2012)


When I was in school I was always interested in the history lessons as the teacher I had was very good at telling the stories, making it fun to listen to. I must admit that I really can’t remember much of what I learned during those classes and only remember him saying that everything which happens in America will happen over here as well, just five years later. It was very interesting and for a while seemed to be a valid theory. Anyway I’m sure you are reading this to find out my thoughts about Ben Affleck’s third movie in the director’s chair, Argo about historic events which took place in Iran. Now I am pretty sure this was never discussed in the history lessons I took, so going into this movie (just like any other) I had no idea what had happened and was ready to be surprised. Continue reading

The Monday Question: Likes and comments!

Good day to you all, hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was very good as I managed to reach my goal of having seen 225 out of 250 movies out of the IMDB top 250 after I watched For A Few Dollars More. Knowing the list is constantly changing I’m sure I’ll drop below that number again, but I know I’ve reached it. Now onto the Monday Question.

I think that you’d agree with me that the most statisfying things about blogging is the interaction with other bloggers. For many it is the main reason they keep doing it and recently I’ve been thinking a bit about the subject, specificaly about likes and comments.

This week’s question:
What are your feelings about likes and comments? Continue reading