Black Mirror – Season 4 review: Black Museum

Review Black Mirror Black Museum

By creating the world of Black Mirror, writer Charlie Brooker shows in each episode how technology can influence our lives. It shows how it can solve problems, but at the same time also how it can make people suffer by it, even if this wasn’t the purpose of that technology. That’s also the case with the final episode of season 4, which just like the episode White Christmas, consists of short stories set against a bigger backdrop. Continue reading

Black Mirror – Season 4 Review: Arkangel

Review Black Mirror season 4 Arkangel
As parents, you must start letting go from the moment your child is born. You ensure that your children get the right skills, but they only learn by gaining experiences and making mistakes. However, that is not always easy because at the same time you want to protect them against everything. So it’s a balancing act in which you also learn and gain experience yourself. In Arkangel, Black Mirror looks at the upbringing of a child in combination with technology and, of course, how this sometimes doesn’t go as intended. Continue reading

House of Cards – Season 4 – Review

review House of Cards seizoen 4

When a season of a show has finished it is always frustrating to have to wait a while for the next one. House of Cards is one of those shows where that feeling is very strong for me. Of course it doesn’t help that Netflix releases all episodes at once and for this fourth season it took me only four days to watch it all. At the end of the previous season the tension between Frank (Kevin Spacey) and Claire (Robin Wright) Underwood kept going up and the scene was set for a big battle between these two titans who both are not willing (or able) to give in. Together they reached the top, but now Claire also wants to realize her own ambitions. Continue reading