The Monday Question: Netflix!

The Monday Question

The past week Netflix made a couple of interesting announcements. First off they will be showing the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon sequel on the same day it is released in IMAX theaters. I think it is great news that this is happening more (and something I hoped for in an article I wrote for Flixchatter). Of course various cinema chains were not happy about this and have stated they won’t play the release. The thing which stood out to me was the following quote:

“While a homevideo release may be simultaneously performing in certain Imax locations, at Regal we will not participate in an experiment where you can see the same product on screens varying from three stories tall to 3-inch wide on a smart phone,” said Nunley. “We believe the choice for truly enjoying a magnificent movie is clear.”

The thing I don’t understand about it is if the choice is clear, why would you not show it? It means you aren’t that confident that that choice really is that clear. These chains are seeing it as a big risk to their business and losing revenue, but they should be embracing this and think of ways to make it worth going to the cinema to see it.

The other news I read was that Netflix has signed a four movie deal with Adam Sandler. These movies will be exclusive to Netflix. As you can read in the article Netflix has made the deal based on their statistics on which movies subscribers watch most. While a lot of his latest movies didn’t get many positive reviews it seems that big data on which movies viewers check out on Netflix tells a different story. There still seem to be enough people who enjoy his films and therefore it makes a lot of sense for Netflix to go ahead with this.

What are your thoughts on these Netflix announcements?

The Monday Question: Prepare!

At the moment there are a lot of sequels released or about to be released. On Saturday the BBC showed Anchorman and as the sequel is about to be released I thought it was a good idea to give it a chance again (I didn’t like it the first time I saw it and still don’t). It made me wonder:

Before you go see a sequel, do you prepare by watching previous movies?

In general I do not rewatch movies before watching a sequel as I usually remember the general idea of the previous movie(s). It does mean that I sometimes miss out on some small parts of a story (for example with the last Wolverine movie), but I’ll take that chance.

The Monday Question: Sequel!

Every year lots of movies are made and a big part of them are sequels. You might think that it’s a lazy way to just earn some extra cash, but I personally don’t think it is. It takes time to write a new script and all the people involved are (at least I hope there are) all trying to get a good movie out there. Nobody makes bad movies on purpose. Plus there are enough examples where sequels can be as good as the original movies (or even better). Just look at Star Wars, Toy Story, Indiana Jones (ok, maybe not the last one), Back to the Future, Lord of the Rings, Terminator 2, The Godfather 2 and Aliens.

So let’s say you are running a studio and you could create a sequel (or prequel) to any movie you choose. Which movie would you pick and why? Continue reading