Sorry We Missed You (2019) – Review

Sorry We Missed you recensie

My purchasing behavior has changed enormously in recent years. I used to go to the shops for games or household appliances, for example, nowadays I order it online and get it delivered to my home the next day. Very handy of course, but a change that ultimately has had a huge impact on the brick and mortar stores. That convenience appeals though and the result is that many well-known retail chains disappeared.

The number of packages that must be delivered daily is therefore huge and with all the attention for the environment it is easy to imagine that this has also been a negative development since more miles/kilometers are likely to have to be made per product. But I never realized what that means for the parcel deliverers. Of course it has created extra jobs, but what does the life of a delivery person look like? These men and women have to deliver 150 to 200 packages in just 8.5 hours. Director Ken Loach shows what impact that might have in his new film, Sorry We Missed You. Continue reading