The Monday Question: Will you go see the new Star Wars movie this week?

The Monday Question

It has been nearly impossible to stay away from the fact that a new Star Wars movie would be coming out this year. All the fans have been analyzing the trailers, toys and whatever else to get to know more about The Force Awakens and I’ve been truly tested to stay away from it all. Like with any other movie I want to see a new film with as little knowledge about it as possible. I’ve done a pretty good job as this movie literally has been news on every site I visit. Never experienced that for any other movie. The movie itself will be out over here on Wednesday and I initially wasn’t in any rush to see it (I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan, so I was patient to see it after the masses). That was until I got a press invitation to go to the first screening on Wednesday morning in a Dolby Cinema. Of course I couldn’t decline that, so have taken some time off from work to be able to attend it. Of course I’ll try to have my review up that day as well (but I’m sure I’ll not be the only one).

Will you go see the new Star Wars movie this week?

My most anticipated movies for 2015

Most anticipated movies 2015

2015 looks to be a great year for movies, especially if you are a fan of huge franchises both recent and from the eighties and nineties. Some might complain that there are way too many sequels being made, but at the end of the day moviemaking is still a business where these types of movies are needed in order to finance smaller movies. Plus looking at the biggest movies of the year I have a feeling that quite a few of them won’t only be successful, but also actually good. This is a list of the movies I’m mostly looking forward to. Continue reading

The Better Film: Star Wars vs. The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars vs Empire

It’s been a while since the last installment of this series, but it’s time for a new installment. A reminder of what the idea is about “The Better Film”:

There always discussions between people when comparing two (very good) movies, which usually comes down to one question:
If you have to pick only one, which is the better film?

My goal is to have that discussion in the comments and see which of the two gets the most support, thus being the better film of the two. This does not mean the other one is bad, it is just to see which one is the preferred choice.

Many won’t even have to think about this one as many will find the sequel the better one, but recently listening to the Canon podcast some valid arguments were made why it is actually the original that is the one you should pick as it sets up a whole universe, has a lot of things happen to its main characters and has a clear ending. Although I’m not as big a fan of these series as many others are, I always preferred the original film, but what about you?

If you have to pick only one, which is the better film?

Annie Hall (1977)

Woody Allen’s Annie Hall ranks high within the IMDB top 250 (it’s on place 132 at the moment). I heard it was one of the best romcoms around and the it won the Oscar for best movie, beating Star Wars. After reading about these facts i just had to see this movie. You can imagine my expectations were very high. Continue reading