As you have read Ruth from Flixchatter was the next in line in the relay race. Now as the baton was passed to her I already had a feeling that I knew who would be added to the list. Was I right? Head over to her site to find out who she picked and who has been removed!
Tag Archives: the ten
The Ten: Best All Time Actors “relay race” *UPDATE*
The race is underway and my friend Scott from FrontRoomCinema is the next one to remove an actor and replace him with a new one. I must say that he has made a controversial choice. Find out what it is at FrontRoomCinema.
The Ten: Best All Time Actors “relay race” *UPDATE*
The relay race is underway and the baton I have passed to my friend T over at The Focused Filmographer has resulted to a removal of an actor and addition of a new one. If you want to find out who was removed and who was added head on over to his site here. All I can say is that I can’t fault his addition as he’s chosen an actor who I’m a big fan of.
The Ten: Best All Time Actors “relay race”
Having been titled “King of all blog series” by my friend Ruth from Flixchatter I felt the pressure to come up with a new one and thought of this new concept: The Ten: Best All Time Actors “relay race”.
So what’s the idea behind the relay? I’ve created a list of what I think are the best actors. At the end of the post I, just like in a real relay race, hand over the baton to another blogger who will write his own post. This blogger will have to remove one actor (that is an obligation) and add his own choice and describe why he/she did this. At the end the blogger chooses another blogger to do the same. The idea is to make this a long race, so that enough bloggers get a chance to remove and add an actor. We will end up with a list (not ranked in order) which represents a common agreement of the best actors.
It will also mean that those who follow this relay race will get to know new blogs as well! Continue reading