The Monday Question: Genre!

The weekend is behind us and I hope you all had a great time like I did. Have done some movie watching, checked out the mini series Carlos (which was excellent), saw The Change Up (which I hated) and caught up with some episodes of BBC”s The Frozen Planet (David Attenborough is always a joy to listen to), Favela Rising and Roger & Me. Today is the 5th of December, which in The Netherlands means that it’s time to celebrate “Sinterklaas”, which is comparable to Santa Clause, so looking forward to celebrating that today.

Now for this week’s question. As a movie blogger there are a lot of different type of movies I watch and I”m pretty open in my willingness to try movies which are different (some would call them arthouse). There are however some type of movies I am not interested in watching. Today’s question is:
Are there any movie genres you don’t (or hardly) watch?

For me the answer is quite simple: Horror movies. I just can’t enjoy feeling uncomfortable and being scared all the time. There are some exceptions, but generally I refuse to watch them. Last year I tried watching Drag Me To Hell, but I turned it off halfway through as it just became too much for me. Kind of related to horror are movies which have vampires in them, there is a mindset behind them I somehow cannot get into.

Another genre I’m not a big fan of is that of the sports movie. They are usually very predictable with a team of people who are not getting along, having to train very hard and winning in the end. It’s something which is not that appealing although I must admit there are a couple of them I do enjoy (movies like Raging Bull, Rocky and the recent Warrior jump to mind)

So are there any movie genres you don’t (or hardly) watch?

22 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Genre!

    • I’m kind of like that too. I’ve checked out a couple of classic westerns a while ago, but didn’t care much for them. There are still a couple I do want to revisit though.

  1. Hi, Nostra and company:

    I avoid Romantic Comedies made in the past twenty years. That are barely romantic. Have interchangeable characters, dialogue, stereotypes or token players and are rarely, if ever, comedic.

    Horror, if done well can be frightening for a few key choreographed moments. Though what passes for ‘Horror’ today is nothing more than gross, desensitizing Torture Porn.

    War movies have more or less become extinct through time and Political Correctness. Dying out with ‘Saving Private Ryan’. Which, beyond its opening twenty minutes. Quickly evolved into a two hour episode of ABC’s WWII television series ‘Combat! from the 1960s.

    • Yeah, romantic comedies are usually completely unrealistic with the feelings not feeling real. I also think that they usually have some pretty crap morality, like women leaving their boyfriends all of a sudden.

      I don’t understand the obsession some people have for all that gross stuff. Why would you want to watch it?

  2. I’ll put my hand up for Romantic Comedies too. The wife loves them, and I usually try and avoid them – which is hard when that’s all my wife wants to watch.

  3. I have to really want to be scared to watch a horror movie, but most times i end up laughing. I usually avoid them. I also am not a big fan of too many videogame movies. (if that can be considered a genre).

  4. Easy, slasher flicks and horror, I just don’t see being spooked as entertaining. I make exceptions of course (in regards to horror) if it’s more of a psychological horror like Sixth Sense.

  5. I’m with Ruth, I do not like slasher flicks or the more sophisticated horror films like Saw. They get inside my head and I get really freaked out that someone has written it and thought about the best way to kill/torture someone…

    I wouldn’t neccessarily avoid them but I don’t tend to watch sports films or musicals.

    As always, good question!

  6. Wow, this has really turned into an anti-horror post! I like horror done well (John Carpenter’s The Thing, Dog Soldiers or Alien for example); but the whole torture-porn thing holds absolutely no interest for me. I think I saw Hostel once and thought it was gross and pointless; haven’t seen any of the Saw series or it’s ilk and have no desire to.

    I guess Sports movies would be one genre I really wouldn’t look in to, unless they’re a little bit different like Million Dollar Baby. Oh, and musicals (good call Claire).

    • I’m surprised as well by the amount of people that don’t like horror as well 🙂 I did like The Thing and Alien, but personally don’t consider those movies horror.

      I don’t watch too many musicals either, although I do like Moulin Rouge.

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