The Moviesite Spotlight: The Movie Report

Welcome to a new edition of the Moviesite Spotlight. For those who wonder what this is:

Every week I read a lot of great movie related blogs and I thought it was time to give the ones I visit regularly a chance to shine in the spotlight, by interviewing its writers.

This week’s interview is with Craig, writer of The Movie Report.

What’s the history of your site, why did you start it?
I have been a big movie fan for some years, and previously had a small blog of the same name, but by a different provider than current. Thankfully on discovering a more established blogging platform, I realised I could make The Movie Report look a lot more professional, and therefore since 2007 have never looked back. I enjoy writing a lot and have written several fiction stories in the past. I find writing reviews very satisfying and a good way to keep my writing interest going. I also love offering up my opinion on movies.

What makes your movie blog different from the other ones out there?
I’d say I am a horror enthusiast, and have a good knowledge of Dario Argento and foreign horror from Spain, France, Japan etc. Also my reviews aren’t overly long, so it’s an easy blog for people to dip in and out of.

What do you enjoy most about your site and what is the reason you keep doing it?
As previously mentioned, I love writing. Also figuring out how to put into words what I mean when reviewing a movie is always an enjoyable challenge. When my efforts attract attention or feedback, that also gives me satisfaction.

In which ways has your blogging changed the way you watch movies?
I probably watch about the same, as I have always been into movies, but these days I find myself analysing them much more so to have things to say in my review. Naturally I still try and have a ‘fun’ experience and not be overly critical. I think I am quite fair, but will come down like a ton of bricks on a movies that I really don’t like.

What’s your favorite article you have written?

I am a great admirer of Stanley Kubrick and have seen many but not all his movies, several times, and watched documentaries etc. A while back I chose to write about his movies, not as reviews, but more as a simple analysis, exploring their standing in movie history etc. The write-ups can be found here: The Kubrick Project Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Could you name five of your all time favorite movies?

Leon: The Professional is brilliant, emotional and possibly the best movie Luc Besson has made.

Fight Club just ticks all my boxes; great use of special effects, sound, music and great acting, with a killer-twist.

Annie Hall for me is probably the best movie ever made about a relationship, and certainly Woody Allen’s finest achievement.

Pulp Fiction is my all-time favourite movie, the dialogue, the direction, the cast, the music, everything about it is amazing.

Blue Velvet, David Lynch’s finest work; haunting, erotic, scary and just plain weird – a masterpiece.

How many movies do you watch on average each week?

2-3 at a time, work commitments and other interests prevent me from watching many more.

Do you own any movie related items that you are very proud of?
Not really. Although I do like books on movies, such as by artists like Drew Struzan and books on horror or world-cinema etc. Movie props are usually however out of my price range.

Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?
I enjoy writing my blog and anything that attracts more interest, makes my efforts mean even more to me than just a simple hobby. I feel like I am providing a service, and that feels good. I’d like to say thanks for featuring The Movie Report on the Moviesite Spotlight, and hope I have made it sound like a place worth visiting.

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